Design Dilemma: Ideas for Shared Bedrooms | Home Design Find

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Design Dilemma: Ideas for Shared Bedrooms

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As houses have gotten bigger over the years, a lot of kids out there have gotten kind of spoiled. Decades ago, it was common for two siblings or more to share a bedroom. With the McMansion boom, that tendency changed, but the latest news is that more and more people are trading in their over-sized manses for smaller houses. And for many brothers and sisters out there, that will mean sharing a bedroom.

But sharing a bedroom isn’t really so bad. In fact, it can be pretty cool if all is well thought out. Take a look at these ideas:

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Above, a bedroom from Tumidei, an Italian firm, features a movable bed on a track that can be rolled to tuck neatly underneath another bed when space is at a premium. The neat thing about this system is that parents need not worry about an athletic sleeper taking a tumble from the traditional bunk bed configuration.  Notice that there is storage built in as well, under the lower bed. But Tumidei doesn’t stop with that one innovation…

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What about putting two raised beds in a room, allowing for plenty of closet and a study space underneath? It’s better than a traditional bunk bed because every square foot of space is well-utilized for something beyond sleeping. And here’s another version of the same idea:

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Or if you still like the idea of a bunkbed, what about this, also from Tumidei?

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It’s got a little less claustrophobia and a whole lot more attitude than your traditional bunk.

Also in the bunk bed category, is this idea:

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Designer Kristen Panitch designed these built-in bunk beds and a bookcase/desk, which maximize space and keep things organized.

What’s the key to making shared bedrooms work well?

Think of the whole and not just the parts. In other words, it’s not just about cramming two beds in a room. Rather, your goal should be to maximize your square footage by integrating desk space, storage space and even play room into your design. Each of the ideas above does so quite successfully.

Sharing a room can be a great comfort and learning experience for children. Why not make the experience as functional and aesthetically pleasing as possible?;

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