Guest Cottages Like Lanterns in the Woods | Home Design Find

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Guest Cottages Like Lanterns in the Woods

bcj 10 architecture

The Dry Creek Outbuildings by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson in California show how to build in the forest.

bcj 5 architecture

Wooden buildings in this kind of wooded setting can become damp and moldy, but glass is impervious to rot.

bcj 9 architecture

So the buildings are three sided glass boxes in the woods.

bcj 7 architecture

And steel-framed floors are raised off the ground to protect against rot.

bcj 4 architecture

The spaces are simultaneously fully open to the surroundings and protected from them.

bcj 1 architecture

In the guest cottage, only a headboard comes between a slumbering guest and the forest surroundings.

bcj 2 architecture

The view from one dry glass box to another reveals the modular steel and glass construction, like commercial windows.

bcj 8 architecture

The wood at the core of the interiors casts a golden glow on even the dreariest days.

bcj 3 architecture

As twilight falls the glow of light within intensifies, creating two lanterns in the forest.

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And inside, there is this opportunity for a woodland shower in a dappled glade, surrounded by natural stone.

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